Flyin Hawaiian ( Cannabis Therapeutics)

Name: Flyin Hawaiian

From: Cannabis Therapeutics

Grade: A-

Type: Hybrid

Price: $70/8th

Appearance: The first thing I noticed was the incredible abundance of red hairs on this nug. The buds are a medium colored green, and looks almost yellow-brown from all the mature trichomes embedded within the nugs.

Aroma: Not too strong of an odor, until I broke up the buds with my grinder. It has a deep grapefruit type of smell.

Taste: Taste like the red hairs.

Buzz Type: I rolled this bud in a doobie and It took a few minutes to feel the buzz kick in, but I suddenly felt a deep body relaxation with a side of cotton-mouth.

Buzz Length: The high didn’t last very long at all. Was the first high of the day, and lasted about 1 1/2 – 2 hours.

Overall: When I rolled this up, the cherry had a hard time staying lit because It is was like smoking a joint of red hairs, literally. I think this bud has its great qualities and its bad ones as well, but definitely an interesting smoke. The high is very mellow, and I think a good bud to relax at the end of the day.

~ by milehighmarijuanareviews on August 11, 2009.

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